Nudging Organic

With this EU-funded campaign, we raise awareness for the benifits of organic food and farming, and encourage consumers to make small adjustments in their daily shopping patterns – because even small steps can have a big positive impact on our environment. ‘Choosing organic products is good for you, and the future. And shopping for organic foods, that’s way easier than you think.’

Organic in Europe: Part of the solution

‘Organic in Europe: Part of the solution’ loosely translated in Dutch in ‘De mooiste boodschap is bio’ is a three year EU-funded campaign run by BioForum, the Flemisch sector organisation for organic food and farming. Together with partners Bionext, Organic Sweden and Pro Luomu, our efforts are part of international project Nudging Organic, increasing the competitiveness of European organic products labelled with the EU-organic logo in Finland, Flanders, the Netherlands and Sweden.

The objective of the programme is to increase the recognition and trust of the EU organic logo and to increase sales of organic food products in the 4 countries. The programme will focus on point of sale actions, supported by a publicity campaign. The point of sales actions are aimed at the medium organic buyers in the supermarkets physical and online stores and will use nudging techniques to promote the sales of organic products. Meanwhile, the primary purpose of the publicity campaign is to strengthen the recognition of the EU organic logo and the many benefits of organic food production in order to convince consumers that organic is a sound sustainable choice.

Our campaign complies with national food guidelines, providing instruction on balanced and healthy eating.

Become a partner

With the help of ambitious and involved partners, we can make a difference! Interested in joining our campaign? Reach out to campaign coördinator Sophie Weyn for any inquiries.

Sophie Weyn